+420 775 126 388

What happens during the Tantric massage

What happens during the Tantric massage of female?

Tantric massage gives the woman the possibility to receive touch also on genitals, but without neccessity to have an orgasm. Loving touch meant not to take, but to give.

The female body is warming up and is pampered by soft objects (stroking with fur, feathers, brushes, touch through a silk kerchief and other pampering objects). Then the oil part follows. Natural oils are used in combination with natural aromatic essential oils (lavender, cinnamon, orange, rose wood, etc.). The warm oil is poured on the body and is gently rubbed. When the body is perfectly relaxed, the woman is ready to receive touch also in Joni and posterior area. (Everything happens after an agreement with the client. We respect given boundaries.) Excitement is created; we can work with it, e.g. by the means breathing. Body is nourished by sexual energy and transforms it into vital energy. The aim is a gentle stream of energy connected with feelings of “euphoria” (the experience is individual and beyond words). Some women can have an orgasm.

What happens during Tantric massage of males?

"Great energy is born inside a male body that begins to pulse the whole body. In the last stage, when the genitals are massaged, the energy can flow into the whole body and cause experiences stronger than ordinary orgasm."

Massage of males includes three kinds of touch to open the body. Warming up, fining, and the oil part. The oil part is the most refined part of the massage and includes also massage of Lingam (male genitals). Excitement changes for deep relaxation. We can work with the excitement, e.g. by the means of breathing and visualisation and we can lead the energy from genitals to whole body and prolong the lust before ejaculation. The massage can end in the tantric way, when a gentle flow of energy is created in the body, leading to experiences different from normal orgasm. It can also end with normal orgasm.

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Offer to Tantra Massages

Tantra massages for Men

Tantric massages for Men

Tantra massages allow a deep relaxation for men. They contain interesting techniques related to pleasure, and also a motivation and inspiration, who to distribute sexual excitement into the whole body.

Tantra massages for Women

Tantra massages for Women

Sensual touching and opening of female body aimed at enjoying pleasure. Women relax through loving and conscious touching. We use the techniques of cherishing of naked body; excitement and distribution of energy.

Tantra massages for Couples

Tantra massages for Couples

Tantra massages for couples can provide an inspiration for your erotic life. We offer a large scale of tantra techniques. A typical changing of various kinds of techniques leads to much pleasure.

Tantra massages with BDSM

Tantra massages with BDSM elements

Various kinds of tantra massages containing a light BDSM elements. The massages are energizing and playful form of discovering your own body and feelings. We awake excitement and joy of life.

Transformation tantra massage

Special Tantra and Tao massages

Tantra massages with special techniques developing sexuality focusing on a conscious attitude towards body and feelings. A Kashmir massage is a part of the offer or multi-orgasm massages.

Masseuses service calendar

Are you interested, when your favorite masseuse is available? Look at our calendar and make an appointment right at the time, which suits you the best. Call us on: +420 775 126 388.
